FM Careers Spotlight Interview: Tom Page, Regional Director, VIVO Defence Services
Over the next few months we'll be introducing an FM Spotlight series where many leading professionals in the sector will be talking to our Co-Founder & Director, Michelle Connolly. Michelle discusses how they got into FM, the projects they've worked on, and how various choices and changes have impacted their career.
Tom Page, Regional Director at VIVO Defence Services kindly gave us his time to talk about his FM career.
Women make up around 21% of the FM workforce according to an IFMA survey. An IWFM survey gives a more charitable estimate for the UK sector, with a 34/66 percentage split of women to men. Regardless of the exact numbers, it is agreed that the sector is male dominated. In areas like electrical engineering and security there is even greater disparity – women make up just 1% of electricians and 11% of frontline security personnel.